Supercharging our tauiwi-tanga

At the beginning of 2021, ActionStation committed to deepening our understanding of what it means to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and invited our community to come along with us.
With the support from Internet NZ, we held five hard-hitting webinars throughout the year, highlighting campaigns on issues affecting Māori, and how we can all tautoko (support) those efforts.
Over 2800 people attended and watched the Tautoko webinar series by the end of last year. There was a huge appetite among tauiwi to explore their role as tangata tiriti (people here by virtue of Te Tiriti), with over 2000 people registering for our final webinar on “supercharging your tauiwi-tanga.” We love how many people in our community are making the change to honour Te Tiriti in meaningful ways, and are grateful for those who have been doing this mahi (work) over many decades.
ActionStation’s Ann Cloet coordinated the webinars and spoke of her own learning and gratitude throughout the series. She says:
“A standout moment for me was hearing from educators on their efforts to end streaming and tackle racism in their schools. I was blown away by their passion for the students, their desire to do better, and their willingness to try new things. I loved their ability to work through challenges, push back, and get the support they needed to make change happen. Kia kaha Misbah, Catherine, and Viv!”
One of the areas we are passionate about is making sure our webinars are accessible, so as many people as possible can join in. On our wishlist is more pūtea (money) for interpreting and captions. If this is something you can help out with, please contact [email protected].
All of the webinars are available on the ActionStation YouTube channel:
Real Talk: How do we honour Te Tiriti in the now?
Supercharge your tauiwi-tanga!
Health and wellbeing: Tuning into the Māori Health Authority
A conversation about ending streaming in schools
Returning to the river: Te Mana o te Wai Te Matau a Māui
Ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou, e ngā kaikōrero mā! A huge thank you to all of our speakers and hosts:
Whaea Keri Lawson-Te Aho, Veronica Tawhai, John-James Carberry, Kahu Kutia, Huhana Hickey, Emily Gill, Maria Baker, Glenn Colquhoun, Megan Salole, Piripi Prendergast, Kaya Staples, Giahnnii Paraku, Tonee Kana, Misbah Sadat, Catherine Kelsey, Viv Thompson, Marnie Prickett, India Logan-Riley, Levi Walford-Smith, Ngaio Tiuka, Alanna Irving, Emily Beasoleil, Erin Thomas, Lincoln Dam, Catherine Delahunty, Helena Mayer and Heather Came.
What a line-up! Thank you also to the volunteers who helped out behind the scenes and Internet NZ who funded this project.
ActionStation relies on small donations from people like yourself, the members of the ActionStation community. We are committed to our work in Te Tiriti justice but we need your help to fund it.
Will you chip in to create a fairer and flourishing Aotearoa, by supporting campaigns that honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi?